Povedz slovo čisté (Say a pure word) is a novel by writer Anton Baláž.
As a main character he picked an quite important figure for slovakian culture - writer, theologian and reformed priest Štefan Krčméry (1892 – 1955). Thanks to his intellectual and peaceful approach to questions of the Slovakian nation and his european education, he has made a significant contribution to organizational, editorial, scientific and literary world in order to enlighten the modern culture in Central Europe. His diligence, friendly openness and subtlety were accompanied by mental illness in later years of his life. He spent the last few years of his it in a psychiatric hospital of Pezinok. Here is, where a major part of the novel Povedz solve čisté has been set. Through the diary of the treating psychiatrist, the author portrays the life of an artist with a radically twisted but still creative and clairvoyant mind. Of course there is a place for a love story in the novel and for a generational, thus critical point of view on the hard fifties as well.
Thank's for watching_

With a smile, Pinchof_


Author: Anton Baláž
Editor: Margita Bíziková
Redactor: Dana Podracká
Art Direction: Dávid Koronczi and Martina Szabóová
Graphic Design: Dávid Koronczi
Print: Dolis Bratislava, Slovakia
Photography: Dávid Koronczi and Martina Szabóová
Client: Literárne informačné centrum, Bratislava, Slovakia

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